ABG Calculators

Expected secondary responses

Calculates the expected secondary responses in paCO2 and HCO3- based on this paper

Reference: 36 – 44
Reference: 22 – 26

Primary changeSecondary reaction
Metabolic acidosisExpected paCO2 of {{ metAcidosisResultingPCO2 }} mmHg
40 − [(24 − HCO3-) × 1.2]
Metabolic alkalosisExpected paCO2 of {{ metAlkalosisResultingPCO2 }} mmHg
40 + [(HCO3- − 24) × 0.7]
Acute respiratory acidosisExpected HCO3- of {{ acRespAcidosisResultingHCO3 }} mmHg
24 + [(paCO2 − 40) × 0.1]
Chronic respiratory acidosisExpected HCO3- of {{ chRespAcidosisResultingHCO3 }} mmHg
24 + [(paCO2 − 40) × 0.35]
Acute respiratory alkalosisExpected HCO3- of {{ acRespAlkalosisResultingHCO3 }} mmHg
24 − [(40 − paCO2) × 0.2]
Chronic respiratory alkalosisExpected HCO3- of {{ chRespAlkalosisResultingHCO3 }} mmHg
24 − [(40 − paCO2) × 0.4]


Calculates the anionic gap and delta-ratio

Reference: 22 – 26
Reference: 98 – 106
Reference: 136 – 146
Na+ - (Cl- + HCO3-)
(AG - 12)/(24 - HCO3-)

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