NIV Checklist
- Missing spontaneous breathing
- Gasping
- Obstructed airway
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Ileus
- Non-hypercapnic coma
Relative contraindications
- Hypercapnic coma
- Agitation
- Interface incompatibility/not tolerated by patient/anatomical difficulties
- Severe hypoxemia
- Severe acidosis (pH < 7,1)
Success criteria
- Dyspnea reduced
- Consciousness improved
- Breathing frequency reduced
- pCO2 reduced
- pH normalizing
- arterial SaO2 > 85%
- Heart frequency normalizing
- initial PEEP 5 - 8 mbar
- Below 5: re-check indication
- Increase up to 10 mbar, depending on need
- Pinsp below 20 - 25 mbar
- driving pressure < 15 mbar
- Tidal volume 6 - 8 ml/kg
- Rule of thumb: 400 - 500 ml
- Dyspnea might cause initial high volumes
- backup frequency 10 - 15
- fIO: aim for SpO2 >= 90 %, usually fIO 30-35 %
- I:E 1:2 to 1:25
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